If you truly want to savor a meal, you need to dine at an extended-stay restaurant. The way I like to eat, an hour or two is definitely not enough. Dinner hour? How about, dinner week! And so when I want to give my tastebuds an all-out experience, I have a week-long meal at Bowl of Glop Extended-Stay Diner.
You'll love Bowl of Glop because, for one thing, you can reserve a table online. When you arrive, it's there for you in your own dining suite, complete with television, bed, and desk. I love how Bowl of Glop anticipates my wishes based on previous orders. The suggestions are marvelous! Order panko-encrusted plankton one day, and the next evening you'll be sure to see Jumbo tofu shrimp on your platter.
I like a leisurely lunch, and that's what you'll find at Glop. When the server sets down your bill and says, "No hurry!" you know they actually mean it, because you'll be staying for an entire week's worth of meals!
The ambiance, not surprisingly in an extended-stay diner, is a bit utilitarian. You might consider bringing some paintings or sculptures, or even houseplants, from home to spruce up your dining chamber a smidgen. Did I just say smidgen? But although Glop may look like a drab motel, the food is anything but. Your mouth will play an electric Sousa fireworks amusement-park storm of flavor when you bite into the unpopped-popcorn globes at Glop. Tantalizing tastes will greet you when the gates of your kiwi curd pork chops open on your tongue.
Overall, this relaxing dining concept is just what is needed in today's text-message society. So chill out and enjoy the week-long, 28-course meal offered at Bowl of Glop Extended-Stay Diner. I calmly give it Five Gobbets of Glop!
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